There is a competition in Auckland to build a scarecrow.I teach adult ESOl students, and they enjoy this.
"The Jingle Jangle Scarecrow" Dingle Dangle
When all the cows were sleeping
and the sun has gone to bed
Up jumped a scarecrow
and shouted very LOUD!
"I'm a Jingle Jangle scarecrow ( Dingle Dangle)
with a flippy floppy hat.
I can shake my arms like this!
And shake my feet like that!"
When all the hens were the roosting
And the moon has gone to bed
Up jumped a scarecrow
and shouted very LOUD!
"I'm a Jingle Jangle scarecrow (Dingle Dangle)
with a flippy floppy hat.
I can shake my arms like this!
And shake my feet like that!"
1: We drew posters of a farm with fruit trees and vegetables. I showed them photos of my apple and fig trees that had fruits eaten by birds. The students added animals on the far,
2: We acted out as scarecrows.
choosing different farm animals, the students changed the song ,"when all the cows" to the particular animal.
3: Two-word alliteration. Learning the vowels AEIOU and the Consonants. We used the first letter of name, in case of a vowel, eg, Eric, we used the second letter.
Changing Jingle Jangle, we sang
Fanny: Fingle Fangle
Susan : Single Sangle
Eric : Ringle Rangle
Sound silly, but the students loved it.
4: We made a giant 2 dimensional scarecrow. Different children made different parts. I used split pins to attach the limbs , head and hat so they "Jingle jangle"
5: For Mothers Day, We our own scarecrows with one limb of their choice that jingle jangle"
6: writing their own song
It is 10 sleeps to Christmas,
The plums on the tree are getting ripe.
The birds fly to the white fence,
And chirp to themselves,
I am going for that red plum,
That very yummy plum.
I am going for that red plum,
That very yummy plum.