ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt
At the Auckland Rose Garden in Parnell, they had a festival, and this stall attracted a lot of attention selling Japanese Octupus Obanyaki Balls.
In another part of Auckland, at Rocket Park, the Thais were selling octopus kebabs.
As I write this, I watch from the news that the most famous Octopus Paul, won't be making any more predictions for the world cup. Paul is swimming free in the ocean again aka Paul died today.
Oh, the octopus balls look interesting. Great word for the letter O, Ann, and your photos are yummy.
Kay, Alberta
octopus...hmmm, I'm not sure I would enjoy eating it, but, I sure am fascinated by those living in the ocean!
i suppose one time in my life, i should try them...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I have tasted octopus twice - one nice experience - one not. Obviously one must know ones way around an octopus to prepare them.
I don't think I've ever eaten Octopus, but sometimes when I eat Chinese, I don't know what I am eating. Nice pictures of the food, and I'm sure if prepared correctly, it is very tasty.
My husband and son love octopus! I heard about Paul too, but they are have a life expectancy of only two years, I heard!
ABC Wednesday: O
sorry, I should proof read my comments before hitting enter, lol!
Have a great day!
Hmm a delicious idea! I would love to visit this Festivas! :)
How do these octopus balls taste?
In Italy and Australia I ate some octopus pieces of tentacles, I think, but it tasted awful. They were hard like rubber.
Yes octopus Paul died of old age this week. He predicted who would win the world championship of football.Ha, ha....
That was great news about the Dutch lady who returned to New Zealand after such a long time.
OOOOOOOOO so OOOOOOOriginal--- Octopus! Looks like a place that takes their Octopus seriously.
OMG, your post Ann made me drool... happy people around here.
My ABC Wednesday here
I'm adventurous when it comes to food but I have to admit it does look mighty tempting.
Nice shots, Ann.
Yummy..I love octopus, Ann.
What a great post and photos for the O Day, Ann! I had some octopus when I was living in Spain, it was delicious! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!
Never heard of octopus balls, but I'm sure I would like them! :-)
As you know I love festivals
I'm definitely not going to try octopus, I'm not sure why but it isn't for me. But my wife eats it. Interesting post.
What are octopus balls and how are they made? Are they like meatballs, ground up octopus shaped into balls? I've heard that chefs make sauce out of squid ink, as well. I do not think I am brave to eat any of this. Have you tried it and what does it taste like??
Somehow, I can't get past the look of the tentacles to actually try octopus. Except calamari, of course. RIP Paul.
I've never tried octopus but am sure it's very tasty! Outstanding O post!
I have eaten squid but never octopus.
I think octopus is one of the few things I haven't eaten. I wouldn't mind giving those octopus balls a try, though.
G' Day From Australia, I'm unable to eat any seafood because it upsets my tummy and my taste buds don't like it. Nice photos though.
My son loves takoyaki, they are quiet cheap here.
Very interesting post for O this week! But don't think I could eat it! lol
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