I have signed up this charity to help pick the fruits and write for them.
Fruit trees can offer an embarrassment of riches, with too much fruit ready for harvest all at once. However, an enterprising not-for-profit company provides salvation for those with too much, giving to those with too little.
The brainchild of Di Celliers, from Browns Bay in Auckland, Community Fruit Harvesting offers orchard owners and gardeners alike the opportunity to share their bounty, by picking their fruit to donate to charity.
“The purpose of this group is to facilitate the sharing of fruit from our own backyards,” says Di, “People can share their excess fruit with those that are struggling to make ends meet. We do this by inviting volunteers to register their interest in picking fruit from trees in their neighbourhoods for the elderly, disabled, or people who simply don't want the fruit from their trees.”
A portion of the fruit collected is given to the owners of the fruit trees, with the remainder donated to charities including the Auckland City Mission, SPCA and a number of food banks, either for distribution, or to raise funds for worthy causes.
communityfruitharvesting2.jpgDi says, since its inception in July, the organisation has donated at least 4000kg of fruit, and more than 400 bottles of marmalade and cordial prepared by volunteers.
The service has been embraced nationwide, with operations now also underway in Auckland Central, Christchurch, Wellington and Hamilton.
“It all started in Auckland, but as news got out, I’ve been contacted from people all over the country wanting to start similar ventures,” says Di, “I supply them with lots of information and templates, facebook logos and administration as well.”
Relying on an expanding team of volunteers, assistance is always appreciated and most definitely needed; businesses as well as individuals are welcome. Di is currently seeking assistance in the construction of a website, to better promote Community Fruit Harvesting, and transportation to permit the distribution of fruit to a larger number of charitable organisations.
Click here for more information, to register as a volunteer, or request fruit picking services. Alternatively, email Di at: pickfruit@xtra.co.nz .

This is fun and one gets to donate to charity :)
This is a great idea, Ann! It can also been applied to other things like furniture and clothes. Actually we give already clothes to the Salvation Army or a missionary.
Good post!
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