

Friday, August 31, 2012

Disney Land, Anaheim. Reflection/photohunt Quiet

Almost 20 years ago,
we flew across the sea,
we flew across the ocean.
So the girls could fulfil every kid's dream,.
To see Mickey and Minnie.
Here they were, 
playing at Minnie's dressing table.
Dedicating this post to my "Sister" Ellen who is flying home with her daughter Hope. Do we have to go?

M I C K E Y      M O U S E

http://whistlestopphotohunt.blogspot.co.nz/  Quiet, I am trying to paint my nails.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday Challenge::Happy

Just look at their faces.

"HAPPY" (Playing, Laughter, Things one enjoys, Happy people,...)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ABC WEdnesday: Letter G.

Girls' brigades welcoming the students back to Kai Chung School.
 Sorry, I feel that I have to include the boys. Boys on one side, and girls on the other.
 There is a fine for littering in Singapore, yet I saw garbage like this every where.

 What a shame for tainting the good image that the Government is trying to portray.
 My sad looking ginger, I use this in my cooking especially when I cook fish. If I have a cold, I slice some ginger thinly and make a tea with honey. I was commenting fellow blogger Wanda's grease tin, and I remember this. My sis in law keeps her grease after frying fish. She sticks a few slices of ginger. Says it removes the fishy smell.
 Ginger tea, I drank a lot of this last winter. A kind soul donated a whole box to a charity. They then passed it to my friend Louise Martin for her charity. I bought the whole lot, 22 tiny boxes in all, and gave some to my friends.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Mellow Yellow in Singapore

Renovations to a 4 storey apartment block.
It was early morning, I chased heavy vehicles when my niece went to school at day break in Singapore. They must have tried to get it away before the heavy traffic.http://mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.com/

Friday, August 24, 2012

Photohunt: Chocolate

I had a chocolate overload yesterday, morning tea, lunch, and then supper. Sara Lee helped a little by cutting the chocolate into very small cubes. even smaller than one inch.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weekend reflection: Water play area Jurong bird park.

In Singapore, the children cool off in the Jurong bird park.

Thursday Challenge : Growing

"GROWING" (Animals, Plants, Children, Enlarging, Maturing, Getting Taller,...)
Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fire's burning, fire's burning.

When I was in primary school, my teacher taught me this short song:

Fire's burning, fire's burning
Send the engine. send the engine.

Fire! Fire!  Fire! Fire!
Pour on water!
Pour on water!

Now, I teach my students, they like the sound effect of the fire engine, and I let them add it, 

wee O! wee o!. 

The boys love it, while playing with my fire truck.



I was interested to see this sign at a shopping mall at Massey, West Auskland.

Once in 2005, I was with my daughter and my uncle D. We had just entered St Lukes shopping mall in Westfield, Mt Albert when loud alarm bells sounded. There were no security guards or fire marshalls to tell the shoppers what to do. Some left, and some just stayed.

After a while, we heard fire appliances. Uncle D said, it was time to go. By then, the car park was full of cars causing quite a jam. I don't remember seeing this shopping mall with a evacuation sign.

New Zealand is an earth quake prone country. Two months ago, no body would have thought that Christchurch would be struck with a 7.4 Richter scale earthquake.

Recently I was involved in a conference/summit meeting for two days. If we left the centre, we had to inform the management. It was precaution, just in case.

Looks like the management of this Mall never learnt.  Years later, this happens. The woman must have been so frightened, especially when 3 toddlers died in a fire in Doha recently.


Last updated 05:00 22/08/2012
Rose French
ROSE FRENCH: Trapped in the Cotton On shop while the Westfield St Lukes was evacuated.
A woman locked in a shop at Westfield St Lukes during a fire feared the incident could have turned into the Doha mall blaze that killed 19.
Rose French was trying on clothes in Cotton On earlier this month when the mall was evacuated after a vehicle burst into flames in the car park.
She had been in the fitting room for some time when she walked back into the shop to find it empty and its roller door bolted shut.
French didn't initially panic. The music was still playing in the store and she hadn't heard an alarm or been asked to leave.
''I thought they must have a really cruisy manager and they've just closed up," she said.
''Then I thought, 'Wait a minute, I can't open the door. Oh my God, there are no lights on and there's nobody outside'.
''Then I smelt smoke coming and I could hear sirens.''
French's mind quickly turned to May's Doha blaze that claimed the lives of Kiwi triplets Lillie, Willsher and Jackson Weekes.
She began jumping around frantically and eventually managed to catch the attention of a fire warden who tried to break down the door.
Eventually the Cotton On shop assistant was found and came back to unlock it.
French said the assistant seemed oblivious to how serious the situation was.
''She said, 'I hope you guys didn't buckle my door or you'll be paying for it', and then she laughed.''
French had to go back into the shop to get her own clothes back after the mall was given the all clear.
She wants Westfield and Cotton On to acknowledge the incident shouldn't have happened and proper protocol wasn't followed.
''I wasn't hurt, but what about the next people?'' she said. ''It only takes one person to slip up and people can die.''
Westfield New Zealand's general manager Linda Trainer said she appreciated the incident had been distressing for French and the company was looking into what happened.
''Westfield takes shoppers' and retailers' safety seriously. It is a primary focus of our operations,'' she said.
Trainer said the company has regular fire drills which are audited by independent safety officers and Westfield's own risk management team.
She said fire wardens were responsible for clearing common areas but individual shops needed to make sure their customers were safely evacuated.
A Cotton On spokesperson said the company was investigating.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pussy cat, Pussy Cat

Stray cats are fed and desexed in NTU. The volunteers work very hard. I went with her for a short time, and I told her I had to leave. It was hot and swamping with mosquitoes.
Member of Cat Cafe in NTU feeds stray cats. She tells me that a lot of her cats have disappeared, not to London to see the queen, but chased away by dogs.


"Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?"
"I've been up to London to visit the Queen."
"Pussycat pussycat, what did you do there?"
"I frightened a little mouse under her chair"

"Pussycat pussycat, where have you been?"
"I've been up to London to visit the Queen."
"Pussycat pussycat, what did you do there?"
"I gave the queen ............"
"Pussycat pussycat, what did the queen say?"
"The queen said,' ..............................'"


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mellow Yellow: Kelabit Dance

My  beautiful sister in law, Elley, dancing her traditional Kelabit dance on her wedding day. Look her exquisite and sequinned outfit. Her daughter Ruth is now in Drama school. They must have artistic genes.

Posted this for my new friend Dora Leong who is now dancing a similar dance.


You make me feel like dancing 
I'm gonna dance the night away 
You make me feel like dancing 
I'm gonna dance the night away 
You make feel like dancing 
I feel like dancing dancing dance the night away 
I feel like dancing dancing ahhh 



ABC: Letter F for Future,

I was taken to a place,
What I saw was a vast piece of empty field.
Why I ask?
It is funny, a good piece of prime property left to waste.

The frustrated people tell me,
It was for the future of the land.
For the future of the children,
A big Educational institution was planned.

The people ask,
How long is the future generation going to wait?
It was full of promises,
They are just fabricated lies

I used to read a fairy tale to my kids,
A promise is a promise,
A promise to a frog is the same as a promise to a human.
Don't ever fail to keep your promise.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Photohunt: Can

When in Sibu, Sarawak, East Malaysia, you CAN.

Yes, you CAN take photos of my Opps Kopitam. My cousin Ngieng Chai Wen tells me.  You CAN get Western, Malay and Foochow specialties.

 Cousin Chai Wen says, Yes, you CAN snap my photo though I am really busy.
 The delicious coffee is from Kluang, West Malaysia.
 You Can bring my mum to eat here, even though Mum's the best cook in the whole wide world.

 You CAN even photograph where I work, though many places won't let you.
For my Save the world meme, Chai Wen uses an empty egg carton for heat insulation. Paki paki for recycling and reuse.
You CAN even get the traditional Foochow wine and chicken noodles. For serving traditional food, Thank you for keeping our culture alive.

 You can have alfresco dining. There are lots of tables.

 If you are Sibu born, and crave for the Foochow Kompia, you CAN find them here.
 You CAN even poke your nose where my friends cook.

 You CAN find us next to Air Asia and Maxis. Opposite the library.  No 38 Jalan Keranji, Sibu.


The photohunt for today is 'Can'