

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Saturday PhotoHunt" Fluffy

My friend C made this beautiful, light and fluffy birthday cake for a mutual friend. She gave him a surprised birthday party. She wanted to make him a man's cake, so she could not use flowers. She used fresh fruits, cherries, kiwi fruit, black berries, peaches, pears and mangoes.

We told her to use footballs or rugby balls.

The Saturday PhotoHunt : The PhotoHunt theme for the week is 'Fluffy'.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great idea, have never seen one done with fruit, but now that i have i think it is a good idea.

eileeninmd said...

Looks just YUMMY! I wish I could have a piece just to taste it too. Happy Sunday!

George said...

Not only is this cake perfect for the theme, it is making me hungry. It looks delicous.

Ginny Hartzler said...

In my opinion, the fruit makes the whole thing health food, the more you eat, the better! Very pretty!

Cildemer said...

Oh! YUMMY! My mouth is watering!
Thanks for sharing;o)
I'm going to close 'Sky my Camera...' but if you wish you can find me here:http://www.blogger.com/profile/12309485701972118992

Have a fabulous week****

Al said...

That looks delicious! There's a bakery near where I work that makes a fruit tart that is out of this world.

rainfield61 said...

Go Xi Fa Cai!!!!!

For the whole year.

Do I smell any new year mood over here?

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That does look fluffy and delicious!
Manly too ;-)
I hope to see y'all next saturday... and bring something flat!