

Saturday, March 5, 2011

weekend reflection: Singapore Zoo


The hippos were in a glass enclosure. That's why you see my blurred reflection of the photographer.


Janet said...

What a hefty creature the hippo is!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love hippos and rhinos and all things animal

Gail said...

That makes the photo doubly good.

rainfield61 said...

The hippos is behind you.

Anonymous said...

The hippo on the left appears to be sunning himself. Nice reflection.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Great picture of the hippo---and it's good that they were in a glass cage... ha... Great reflection picture!!!

Lew said...

I saw the red hat before scrolling down to the text. You got a double reflection! And I like the shimmering reflected sky!

Pat Tillett said...

Nice photo! Hippos are much meaner than they look!
Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue

George said...

I like this reflection photo. It's just too bad that your reflection is blurred.

Unknown said...

They are funny creatures aren't they. Such big vegetarians. Land animals but loves the water...

genie said...

Someone looks very tired and ready for an afternoon nap. Isn;t it fun when you take a picture and suddenly a bit of you shows up in it? This is a real eye catcher. Nice work.