

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weekend reflection: Whatipu Beach

We went on an outing, driving on a long winding metal road and then walked miles and miles. This is a beach with lots of surfs and rips. Surfing is not recommended because of the dangerous rips. The sand is black because of the rich iron content.

It is a scientific reserve and Friends of the Whatipu help manage the reserve. The Whatipu area is a Scientific Reserve owned by the Department of Conservation and managed on behalf by the Auckland Regional Council.

It is a spectacular area of coastal dunes and wetlands. It is also the breeding ground for endangered species such as the New Zealand Dotterel. Due to its status as a scientific reserve no dogs are permitted at Whatipu.
NZ dotterels live on sandy beaches in the northern half of the North Island, with a tiny population of about 60 on Stewart Island.
• They are endemic – only found in New Zealand
• Their total population is 1700 birds – that’s not very many!
• They are an ‘endangered’ species, meaning that they are likely to become extinct without our help.


George said...

I'm glad that this area is protected and yet you can still enjoy it. It looks absolutely beautiful. I like that dark sand.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a gorgeous beach, Ann.... We are getting ready to have some bitter cold weather (as low as 7 degrees F) --so your beach looks so very inviting...

Thanks for sharing Whatipu Beach.

Windsmoke. said...

Don't tell the mining compaines about the iron content or they'll want to come and dig it all up whether it's a protected site or not just like they want dig up Kakadu National Park for uranium.

Nefertiti said...

magnifique endroit !

bon w end

Ginny Hartzler said...

What is a dotterel and did you see any? I can see where they would need protected, I think most people have never heard of them!

Gine said...

Magnifique endroit. Heureusement protégé ... Le sable est extraordinaire.

Elaine Yim said...

I just love the beach and will never tire of it. The scenery at Whatipu Beach is very beautiful.

'Tsuki said...

Great sharing on this place... I learnt something thanks to you. And I like your picture ; those two women on that beach look so lost in the middle of nowhere... Very impressive.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully peaceful looking place. I love how the person in blue is accented in the picture - and in the reflection.

James said...

I like this picture! Nice shot.

'Tsuki said...

Sorry for the misinterpretation of the persons on the picture.

To answer to your question, I'm from France : I live in an area called Brittony ; I drive 45 min. to get to the beaches...

I have a real passion for Sun ; I'm very fond of any light effect, such as reflections, but also Halos, Rinbows and so long...

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