I used to grow this in Singapore. The flower is not very big, just about one and half inch in diameter. I was the secretary of the gardening club in Nanyang Technological University, and I planted many kinds of plants. When I left, I sold most of them, and raised more than a thousand dollars for the Deaf Children in Oyugis, Kenya.
Common name: Yellow Walking Iris
Botanical name: Trimezia martinicensis
Yellow Walking Iris has long, bright green, blade-shaped leaves up to two feet long, and grow in a
fan shape. The leaves are folded for about two-thirds of their length and at their opening emerges 1" yellow
flowers with 3 petals.
When the flowers dries up, tiny plantlets develop on their stems, and as these mature their weight causes the leaves to bend down and touch the ground. If the plant is grown on the ground, new plants then root and start the process all over again. This gives the name
walking iris or traveling Iris.
If the plant is grown in a pot, sit the mature bloom in another pot when air roots grow. Cover with some soil, and a new plant will grow in the new pot, snip from Mother plant when the plant is well established.
This post is for http://theegggather.wordpress.com/
Her post of the yellow iris is beautiful, and inspired me to do this post.
That is quite an interesting plant, and clever too! Thanks for posting it!
How wonderful that you raised money selling lovely flowers! So interesting how easy it is to have more of these lovely plants. Thanks for sharing.
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