

Friday, November 30, 2012

weekend Reflection: Book launch for A Tribute to Tabitha Rose

I was at the launch of this book this morning. Congrats to all the 24 contributing parents. Writing this kind of genre is hard. I am sending all of them Via my mirror a bouquet of flowers to them.

The official book launch for A Tribute to Tabitha Rose was in Auckland on the 1st of December, and the second on the 16th of December in Lower Hutt.
We are officially launching our book - it's taken a while but all good things take time! There will be two 'events'...

December 1st - Pt Chevalier Community Centre, Auckland 11:15am-12:30pm. Sands Auckland Central is kindly hosting a morning tea for us at which we'll launch the book and meet each other. Please feel very welcome to come along, it will be a small and informal gathering at which we acknowledge the precious stories of precious babies we miss and love.

The meeting follows the Dec support meeting for Sands Auckland Central from 10:00-11:00am. Children are welcome to come along to the book launch while the support meeting is for adults only.

December 16th - Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt 2:00-4:00pm. Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley welcomes you to a Xmas celebration at which Tabitha-Rose's parents will officially launch the book. We'll also hear from Joan Curle about her recent trip to Arizona to attend the Miss Foundation conference. We'd appreciate it if you would RSVP for this event - to sandswgtnhutt@gmail.com.

Thanks again to everyone who's been involved - it will be lovely to finally meet some of you :-)


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday Challenge bag pipe

Chris the bag piper

Ann, Susan and Maureen

"BOTTLE" (Container, Cup, Glass, Wine Bottle, Cork, Jar, Flask,...)

Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning.

I am doing a twist here, and show casing a bag pipe as a "bottle" as a container container a lot of gas. It gives out beautiful music as more gas is blown into it.

It was our graduation as we completed our English teaching course. Susan very kindly arranged for Chris to playing at the opening. It was so refreshing and powerful, as we lined up and welcome him.

Thanks Susan and Chris. You made this morning so special.

Photohunt: Stellar Daniel Ryou

This morning was the graduation day for us who went for a course to teacher English Language. His School brought along a piano and Daniel.

Daniel Ryou was a stella, he played Chopin's Etude piece, beautifully. He was introduced as " He didn't have a piano teacher, and learnt it off you-tube."

Ka Pai Daniel, I wanted to take him home.

Daniel told me he is 13. He came to New Zealand from Korea in 2010. He doesn't have a piano teacher here in New Zealand. He did have one in Korea. I joked perhaps he and my older girl can play together.

1st ~ Stellar

Featuring or having the quality of a star performer or performers: "


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

ABC wednesday : Letter T for teachers.

Mum and Dad were my first teachers. Mum used to spend every afternoon teaching my siblings and I Mandarin. Somehow, it was wasted on Charles and me. You can't believe my Dad. During the holidays, he made us write an essay everyday. I enjoyed it when we all sat around him as he edited our work. It was a good bonding time.

1999, the first reunion, our teachers Mr. Johnson from UK, Mrs. Rao from Australia, and Miss mamora.

Sam was born 7 years after Andrew died. He is my pride and joy. God made me whole again.

Sam started reading very early, and here he is at two years old reading to my American teacher. She was so impressed that she made a recording of him reading to take back to America.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Outdoor Wed: My Cousin Kit in Nepal

Cousin Kit went tracking in Nepal. I joked if she would look for Jamuna for me. These two photos are hers.

The little girl is a Nepalese child, but not Jamuna. I have good news from my friend Manchala, Both of us were involved in raising funds to separate Jamuna from her con-jointed aka Siamese twin, Ganga. Ganga sadly died in 2008.

Today in our paper I saw jamuna from Nepal she is a big girl now thought of telling you she looks very cute .
Have good sabbath.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Photohunt: : Fall and Quiet.

Sh!!!!! baby is asleep outside. Fall colour sheep skin rug.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Photo hunt: Colours: Malaysian Traditional dress

My Nyona top came out on special occasions. In this case, a combined prayer for Malaysia.

A friend asked if we were going to a party. Why were we dressed so beautifully? My friend borrowed her never-been-wore before ensemble from a friend and a set for her daughter. My Nyonya top had never-been-worn before and I teamed it with a very cheap sarong.

These are beautiful colours for 3 beautiful dresses.


Church in the park.

Don't come to the church buildings to morrow. But go across the road to the park at 10am, NOT 9 or 11. At 10 am.

This is not Rocket park, just pretend it is.

we meet at 10am on 25th November in Rocket Park for Church in the Park.

Our church is hosting 'Christmas in Rocket Park' tomorrow (New North Rd, Mt Albert) starting at 3:30pm with kids activities and ending with Carols by Candlelight at about 9pm. See this link for a video of the last two years' celebration. Hope to see you there :) xx

Weekend Reflection: Be nimble

If I was resilient like these kids, I would be nimble and be able to climb through a tiny gap and not be hurt.


Some time in January, this embarrassing event took place. A few days later, I saw a big patch of bruise on my stomach. The water engineer thought it was very funny and took the photos.

I felt too embarrassed to post it. Today,a facebook friend posted a similar comment, and this is dedicated to her as a sequel. I emailed to my family and friends and these were the funny anecdote.

My present house, the windows are almost 6 feet up, the stupid doors sometimes shut and lock itself. This evening, I fried fish, luckily I open one window pane where the kitchen bench is.

I went outside to throw rubbish, came back, found myself locked myself out. Luckily the landlord had two small 18 inches square metal tables 3 ft high. Took one table, to window, but still have another 3 ft.

It was really hard to climb up on the table, succeeded, but impossible to climb the window, my legs couldn't get up.So I went superman method, I was stuck. It was like planking.

Slowly I inched in, got to the bench, then head first down the floor.

My legs, thighs, tummy ached under my weight.The whole time I was afraid the fish would burn.

The window wasn't wide, about 18 inches, as it was half a window. The other was louve. Luckily the bench wasn't too cluttered as it normally was, had hand washed the dishes, and the tray was at one end. I had to push everything into the sink. I had just made a cup of tea, push all the knives too. There was less than 1 foot space to land on the sink bench.

Felt so stupid. Luckily, I think my neighbor didn't see me.


These are my friends' reply:

Oh my goodness, I can only picture it in my head!! It would make such a funny TV show!!

That's what my family and son was saying. Visualising what was happening. My son Sam is away at a computer camp. He said he wished he was there to see. I told him, if he was there, he would open the door. Nothing like this would happen.

Well, how bad did the fish burn, could you eat it?

The irony was, the fish was just pan fried nice and golden. If I had left it a minute longer, it would have burnt. The water engineer would complained the house smelt of fish, I said, then I am not cooking fish again. I don't really like fish. I cook it for him.

At least you got though the opening, I would never have fit at all.

The window wasn't wide, about 18 inches, as it was half a window. The other was louve. Luckily the bench wasn't too cluttered as I normally had, had hand washed the dishes, and the tray was at one end. I had to push everything into the sink. I had just made a cup of tea, push all the knives too. Less than 1 foot space to land on the sink bench.

Twice we have locked ourselves out of the house and Phl has had to take a brick and break the basement window, then crawl thought the small opening. So lucky he is thin and athletic!

Hahaha, once my land lady did that, at the bathroom window, and still couldn't climb in, ( presumably like me, legs can't lift up.) Her husband was furious. he said, she should have come to me to use my phone or just go some where and waited before he came back. That was 27 years ago, no mobile phone. At that time, you just react, don't think. It was the frying fish that got me worried. If not, I just go to my neighbor's house and wait for the water engineer to come back.

We need to hide a key outside somewhere, or give one to a neighbor we trust. Have you thought of that?

We did, the husband used to think the theives would be smarter than us, and know where we hide the key, but now he is convinced.
Some people hide spare keys in fake rocks outside in the garden.

LOL, I will take some photos, last night I too photos of the fish.

Remember I was locked inside the toilet of the famous TUNG LOK restaurant? Imagine, how resilient a person is. A tiny gap and can still crawl out.

Wow! that was really funny visualizing that. unfortunately I wasn't there to see that.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

ABC Wed: Letter S

 Siew Mai, a Chinese Dim Sum, my cousin Choi Yok made to take up to the Kong house in Durin. She insisted I ate some when I dropped in at her house.
 These are sugar cane plants.
 My innovative Uncle Seng Shui, he modified the weighing scales.
 My other cousin's house in Kuching. Lots of sofas.

2 sets of 3 sisters and their husbands and cousin. Mary, the host  in the pinkish red, her husband was away.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yellow: cooking with gas at a longhouse.

 This lovely Iban aka Sea Dayak woman sits on the mat cover floor as she demonstrates cooking her tradition cake. She was cooking for the hungry ones during the Kai Chung Reunion. I promise you, I will find the name of these  Longhouse.
 She deep fries the cake in a wok heated by a potable gas stove.
 Here it it, the guests couldn't wait to sink their teeth into them.
 Close up, ( I need to ask the name.) I was fuelled by adrenaline,  and euphoria. I didn't eat any.
 Shameless me, I asked to be photographed flanked between two beauties,  I learn that Awa goes to the school I also taught. Sekolah Menanga Binatang. It has a name change. I taught there for 1 month, then I went to New Zealand. If you have been following my posts, you will have posts I have been like a rolling stone.
Awa with her mum, I told her I could be your teacher. All the seniors , 1978. I wonder where they are. They taught me a lot of Iban Ethnic traditions.

The food was traditional, organic, but this person was busy talking and dancing and taking photos.

 I have one regret, I didn't buy a costume that Awa  was wearing. I don't know when I will make a trip again.

Betty Anggat Ann Chin, this is called Kuih Penyaram.

Made from rice flour, plain flour, sugar, gula melaka and water. Mix together and deep fry. 

The History of the Longhouse. please click to enlarge to read the document. My frined Francis Chen kindly sent it to me. Thanks and also to the author.
